In an image released exclusively to Animation Scoop, Disney•Pixar provides another sneak peek into the upcoming Toy Story of Terror! television special releasing on October 16. To date, we know that the 30-minute special takes a turn for the worse when Bonnie's Mom's car gets a flat tire on their way to "Grandma's house", forcing the toys to spend the night in a motel. Soon, the gang finds themselves searching for a lost member of the group while trying not to get lost themselves! For more details surrounding Toy Story of Terror!, be sure to check out the D23 Expo post for additional sneak peek details.
Thanks to our great readers, we were also told that an exclusive television trailer has also just been exclusively released to Huffington Post. Check out the new advertisement below and watch for it during commercials soon! By the way, we love the part with the PEZ dispenser and Rex stepping in the mysterious goo.
We should also point out that the Toy Story of Terror! advertisements are in full swing as TouringPlans points out in this series of banners up at Disney's Hollywood Studios.
- Additional Toy Story of Terror! sneak peek details from the D23 Expo
- Toy Story of Terror! UK Broadband advertisement
- Who voiced Woody in the UK Broadband advertisement?
Pixar Post - T.J.