With this year marking the first time Pixar Animation Studios has released two feature films within the same calendar year it will certainly make for an exciting upcoming award season. Pixar Animation Studios has received 25 well deserved nominations across multiple categories (nominations announced December 1, 2015) — Sanjay's Super Team (1 nomination), The Good Dinosaur (10 nominations) and Inside Out (14 nominations).
In addition to the film nominations, late Pixarian Joe Ranft was honored with the Winsor McCay award recognizing his career contributions to the animation industry - previous Winsor McCay honorees have included Walt Disney, Mary Blair and John Lasseter. Pete Docter and Jonas Rivera gave a beautiful heartfelt introduction to their late mentor and friend and accepting the award was Joe's brother Jerome Ranft (Pixar sculptor) and Joe's daughter Sophia.
Updated - our wrap-up video summarizing all of the acceptance speeches as well as the honoring of Joe Ranft can be seen below (or direct on YouTube - be sure to subscribe).