ABC will air a tribute to the Pixar Animation Studios film that ushered in a new era of computer generated animation this Thursday, December 10 at 8:00 PM EST / 7:00 PM CST. The special, titled Toy Story at 20: To Infinity and Beyond, will take a look at how Pixar's early beginnings making short, digitally-animated films lead them to take the bold step of making the first feature length computer animated film, Toy Story. Producers, animators, technical artists, designers and some of the film's voice talent will discuss making the film and the impact it has had over the years.
Stay tuned to our Twitter and Periscope feed, as we'll be sharing our live-reactions as the event airs — be sure to share your thoughts with us too, just tag us in your tweet @ThePixarPost as you're watching! After the 1-hour special, ABC will also air the entire Toy Story movie, so get ready for a full evening of fun.
Along with the 20th Anniversary event, Pixar has re-released the Toy Story Blu-ray collection with brand new artwork. Although the content on the discs remains the same, if don't already own all of the films, now is a great time to get the Blu-rays for under $20 USD — Pick up Toy Story, Toy Story 2 or Toy Story 3 on Amazon.
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