A newly released trailer for Inside Out (via CBR Trailers) continues to showcase the unique story and inner-workings into the mind of an 11-year old girl named, Riley. The film which has already been highly praised at the Cannes Film Festival continues to captivate fans with a few unreleased comical glimpses of Riley's delightful imaginary friend, Bing Bong. We have seen quite a bit of footage on the five main emotions in past clips, however it's the elusive cotton-candied elephant with the raccoon tail that keeps fans wanting more. Voiced by the endearing Pixar vocal veteran, Richard Kind, Bing Bong springs to life with warmth and charm that will no doubt leave the audience rooting for him from the moment he is introduced on the screen.
As a side note, during the trailer we noticed a Wall-e stylized name on a film camera at Dream Productions, "CAM.R-1". Do you think the camera name was inspired from the film Wall-e? Be sure to share your thoughts on everything Inside Out with other Pixar fans in the Pixar Post Forum.
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