In 2011, Pixar released its second Toy Story Toon, Small Fry ahead of the revamped, The Muppets movie. Pixarian Angus MacLane reprised his directorial role having previously directed the short, Burn-E (and most recently directed Toy Story of TERROR!). The director's chair wasn't the only role MacLane filled during production, he wrote the short as well - crediting his mother and sister (whom are psychologists) for being the inspiration behind the toy support group.
The short begins in a local fast food restaurant, Poultry Palace and if you look closely you'll get a kick out of the silly items listed for purchase. Items such as Hot Oil for a bargain price of 99 cents are on the menu - and who could pass up a large ranch flavored soda! The charm of this short is that we can all remember getting toys from fast food restaurants and of course getting numerous duplicate toys - UGH! MacLane mentioned that for part of his research he visited 15 fast food restaurants (all in one day) in his hometown, just so he could get a glimpse into how the kids meal toys look today.
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