Available to stream now on Disney+, A Spark Story, is a behind-the-scenes documentary taking a look at the making of Pixar's latest SparkShorts, Twenty Something and Nona. It also offers a complete look into both of the Directors, Aphton Corbin (Twenty Something) and Louis Gonzales (Nona).
Although the hour-and-twenty-seven minute documentary focuses on those two short films, the content applies to most creative processes, really. Check out the trailer for A Spark Story below.
A Spark Story opens with Pixar's Chief Creative Officer, Pete Docter, sharing that Pixar's first films were created by a group of scrappy filmmakers who were trying to figure the process out. Additionally, Pixar's President, Jim Morris, shared that Pixar's beginnings are rooted in a series of short films which were released before Toy Story hit theaters.
These two elements — a short film, and a great artist who hasn't directed previously — are the ingredients of the SparkShorts program. This not only fosters new talent but also brings Pixar back to its roots.
Filling the documentary are detailed looks at Aphton and Louis working alongside Producers, developing the story and characters, moving the film through Pixar's various departments, and much more. It not only offers detailed looks at the concept artwork of each film but also dives deep into the artists themselves and how they honed their crafts.
Between the personal artistic insights, beautiful views of Pixar Animation Studios' campus, and showing the challenges (as well as successes) along the way, we believe you'll love A Spark Story. Be sure to watch it on Disney+ now. We'd love to see even more behind-the-scenes looks (even for feature films) that dive this deep into Pixar.
Pixar Post — T.J.