Pixar Animation Studios has released a seven-minute video titled, Exploring Blackness featuring Black colleagues sharing their own thoughts, perspective, and personal stories on what it's like being Black in America. What's so important about this video is how it encourages conversation and continues to showcase the need for racial equality and change while still celebrating culture and pride.
While some of the stories shared in the video are hard to hear at times, there is also joy throughout which is felt through genuine moments of emotion. Systems Engineer, Steven Ricks shared his thoughts on whether being Black is an asset or a detriment, "I think it's an asset in that we're survivors and we're trailblazers because we can only go so far back that I think it's important that we know how to go forward."
Be sure to check out the complete video embedded below, or directly on Pixar's YouTube channel.
A big thank you to Lois Banks, Kacy Naylor, Robert Grahamjones, Kemp Powers, Michael Kilgore, Steven Ricks, Eric Pearson, MonteQue Ruffin, Rod Pearson, Zena Weber, and Michael Yates for allowing us all to take a peek inside your perspective of being Black in America.
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