A "soulful" trailer for Pixar's upcoming film, Soul, was released (via Disney Japan) and showcases a few new moments, as well some famed easter eggs. The just over 2-minute trailer follows Joe Gardner as an unfortunate accident that separates his soul from his body as he falls into 'The Great Before,' a world where souls develop personalities, quirks, and traits before being sent off to Earth.
The international trailer is very similar to the first official Soul trailer; however, it does feature several quick glimpses of new scenes and easter eggs — including the Pizza Planet truck (spoiler alert if you're avoiding the truck's location prior to seeing the film).
As Joe Gardner navigates through 'The Great Before,' he meets 22, a soul who has no interest in ever going to Earth. Just as in the previous official trailer and teaser trailer, 22's quirky personality continues to shine as we see scenes with the pair goofing around in the White House's Oval Office and even completing a science experiment!
Side note — we believe the chemical formula on the chalkboard is for theobromine, which is the primary alkaloid found in cocoa and chocolate. Is the duo crafting some chocolate? Yummy!
Check out the trailer embedded below and then watch our video showcasing many of the easter eggs and reused elements we spotted in the trailer.
In one of the scenes from the trailer, you can see just how enormous 'The Great Before' is as it appears to showcase several different areas where souls can get their own personality traits. For pizza lovers or just lovers of the famed Pizza Planet truck, you can spot the delivery truck in the scene pictured above on the left side (circled above) and if you look really close we think we may have spotted the Axiom from Wall-E (also circled above). Here's a list of some other items we spotted which may be potential easter eggs.
- Pizza Planet Truck
- Whale — Which was on display at the Marine Life Institute in Finding Dory.
- Airplane — Could this model be from Cars 2 or Toy Story 2?
- The Axiom — The large ship in Wall-E.
- Construction Tractor — From the demolition scenes in Riley's mind in Inside Out.
- Aztec Temple — If you recall, each of the towering buildings in 'The Land of the Dead' from Coco rested upon an Aztec temple (layering the history of Mexico).
- Eiffel Tower — This could be a nod to Ratatouille.
- The Spirit of Adventure Zepplin — You can see the silhouette of Charles Muntz famed Zepplin from Up.
- Garbage Truck — Sid's garbage truck from Toy Story 3.
- Biplane — There is a silhouette of a biplane in the sky which reminded us of Barney Stormin', one of the characters from Cars.
- Ferris Wheel — Most likely this is the same carnival attraction from Toy Story 4.
- We also noticed a bass and piano from the Soul Half Note Jazz Club pictured in the scene.
What do you think of the new trailer? Did you spot any additional easter eggs? Share your thoughts with us and other Pixar fans in the Pixar Post Forum.
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