Pixar's latest SparkShort film, OUT premiered on Disney+ May 22 and was based on a true story from director Steven Clay Hunter's own life. In fact, it wasn't just the storyline that rang true for the director, the pizza casserole that was featured in the film was based on a childhood recipe from Steven's mother.
Back on June 25, Steven shared (see photo below) his mother's actual recipe card for the pizza casserole. We were so excited to give it a whirl and make our own OUT-inspired pizza casserole that we ran out and bought all our ingredients and got ready for a fun family dinner night. Watch our "making of" video below to hear our complete thoughts on the tasty recipe.
While we modified the recipe slightly, we kept the spirit of the recipe the same and we look forward to making it again with variations of toppings. Let us know if you try the OUT-inspired pizza casserole and share your comments with us.
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